A is for Adulthood: It's way less scary, and way more fun and wonderful than I ever imagined it would be. (I think a lot of that has to do with the guy who's sharing my adult life with me.)
A is for Aunthood: On April 8, 2005, my first nephew Jonathan was born and I became an aunt. Since then my second nephew, Thomas, has joined Jonathan, and my third nephew is due to arrive in September. I love my nephews and I love being an aunt. I only wish that I lived nearer to them - Massachusetts is rather far from California. You can see pictures of my cute nephews (and their wonderful mother, my sister Emily) in this post on Emily's blog.
A is for Aging: It's happening. I'm turning 25 in a week and a half, and 25 seems very old. I started feeling my age when I turned 22 and realized that after 21, there are no more things to look forward to with the advent of a specific age. At sixteen, I could get my driver's license. At eighteen, I was an "adult." At twenty-one, I could drink alcohol - not that I do very much anyway. From here on out it's just plain getting older. In a week and a half I'll definitely be in my "mid-twenties," leaving my "early-twenties" behind me. Over the hill, here I come!
A is for Art: In middle school and high school I used to draw a lot. A LOT. I think I wasn't bad at it. I still have spiral bound books filled with animals, plants, people, and cartoons from those years of my life. Sometimes I think I should pick up my sketchbook and pencils again - I might enjoy it.
A is for Autometrix: My Dad's awesome company. He designs and builds automated plotting and cutting machines and writes software that interfaces with the cutters. Seeing these systems in action is always impressive!
A is for Aneurysm: My Mom had one in her brain, which burst a year and a half ago. She was in a coma for a long time, and today her recovery is an ongoing process. I blogged about her condition and her recovery at Sandy's Recovery for quite a while. Now, nineteen months later, Mom is doing so well! She never gives up, always setting new physical goals to achieve. It's difficult, though - she is too young to be going through this; she shouldn't have had to re-learn things like walking and climbing stairs, but she has had to. When a baby is learning to walk, and to bend over and pick up an object, and to co-ordinate his muscles, he occasionally gets quite frustrated if his body won't behave the way he wants it to. But imagine the frustration if you once could do these things - could do them without even thinking about them - and suddenly you can't, and you have to learn all over again. Mom is very brave. I'm not sure if I could have handled a situation like hers with as much grace, dignity, and humility as Mom has shown.
A is for Alimony ...Just kidding!
That's all for now.