Wednesday, March 21, 2007


The night before last, I dreamed that a deranged killer donkey was after me and the only possible means of escape was to take the space shuttle into orbit, which of course, I promptly did.

Last night I dreamed about my Mom. She was well and healthy and walking around and laughing lots and making silly jokes with me.

Well, FavoriteBoy is sick and taking the day off work, and I'm afraid I'm coming down with it too, so you know what? After I got up at 8 this morning, I did a few things around the house and then crawled back in bed.

I dreamed that my brother came to visit along with a random curly-haired woman from England, only it wasn't my brother, it was some horrible person impersonating my brother. My real brother was held hostage in England, packing-taped to the ceiling of a messy bedroom, half-dead. Meanwhile, the imposter took his job, which was apparently answering kids' science questions over the internet in real time.

Really, aside from the nice dream about my Mom, stuff like this makes me think I'd be better off to avoid sleeping!

1 comment:

  1. "Last night I dreamed about my Mom. She was well and healthy and walking around and laughing lots and making silly jokes with me."

    Ok, that is strange, because I dreamed the same thing, and I think it was the same night.

    Maybe I'll just ignore your other dreams and assume that we're both prophetic, eh?
