I spent the morning trying to decide what to do with myself for the day, an entire Saturday without my husband. I thought maybe I'd treat myself to a massage. I've never had one before, and in fact, I promised myself one if I ran a 10K, which I did - but then once I did it I decided it wasn't really impressive enough to merit a massage, so I never got the massage, after all. Then I thought maybe I'd go buy myself Mexican food for lunch - after the massage - since I love Mexican and FavoriteBoy does not. Then I thought I'd go to Target, because I just like walking through Target and looking at things. Then I thought maybe I'd call a friend - catch up with someone I haven't seen in a while, perhaps, or meet a good friend for coffee.
So that's what I imagined doing.
You know what I think I'll actually do?
Go to the gym. Call my parents to say hi. Hem a pair of pants. Clean the kitchen. Practice my violin. Go play the show tonight - which is quite a hilarious operetta, by the way. Get home around 10:30. Hope FavoriteBoy calls. Tuck into bed so I can go to church in the morning, be alert for the matinée performance at 3, and then do an eight-mile run after that.
The thing is, eating out, browsing through stores, or going out with friends just doesn't seem that fun without FavoriteBoy!

I think you deserve a massage. A 10K is quite impressive! And it's never too late.