Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Hello and goodbye, August.  The month came and has almost gone with virtually no blog posting in my corner of the internet.  I have adventures to write about the photos to share: more CSA meals, our vacation to Erie, PA, and more!  But in the meantime, here are a few pictures from back at the beginning of the month.  This is Nell with one of her favorite people, "Nana" (my future sis-in-law, Hannah).

This evening Nell and I were playing in the yard, and Nathan got home from work.  As he pulled into the driveway, I said to Nell, "Look who's here!"  And Nell said excitedly, "Nana! Nana!"

Of course, she was just as happy to see that it was "Dada," after all.

But my, how this girl loves Hannah.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter, for another {pretty, happy, funny, real} post.


My little girl peering around the doorway at me waiting for her dinner tonight.


I found a pair of brand new GAP ballet flats in my size at the thrift store this afternoon for $1.50.  Happy indeed!


My brother-in-law unintentionally sliced a piece of bread (too thinly) that ended up bearing an uncanny resemblance to a dinosaur skull.


Aside from the obvious -- the unhappy face of a 14 month old having a grumpy day -- do you also notice the diapers under the couch, the books strewn everywhere, and yesterday's turquoise shorts on the floor?  That's life around here, folks.

{Looking at this picture, I'm suddenly noticing a bit of a plunging neckline... oh Nell!}